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Wednesday, July 4, 2012

How to get out of the box: tips

Here are some tips to get out of the box! 
I just sorted those which were more applicable for myself

How To Get Out Of The Box: As an entrepreneur we tend to live and breath our enterprises 24x7. And often times, stewing in our own ideas hinders our ability to see other perspectives or think outside the box. Take some time each day (30 minutes to an hour) doing something that is not work related. Go for a run, have drinks with non-business friends, play with your kids, try out a new recipe... Experiencing a new and different activity will help expand your perspective and cleanse your mind.

How To Get Out Of The Box: If you're stuck...

Pick up a book, take a class, listen to a CD, but learn something new. Doesn't matter what it is, or whether it's connected to your field. Look for the unexpected connections.
Experiment and make mistakes. Explore. Try something unexpected.
Take breaks. Stop and reflect on what you're doing. The eureka moment comes when least expected.
Be patient. Getting out of the box takes time! 
Schedule Time To Think Outside The Box
How To Get Out Of The Box: I schedule a certain amount of time each week for my creative thinking to think outside the box. If you don't have a time scheduled to dedicate to this, your business will have trouble succeeding. 

Jump Start Your Creativity

How To Get Out Of The Box: f you find yourself stuck in your businesses jump start your creativity by:
1.Use meditation, yoga, self hypnosis or some other modality to tap into your creative mind.
2.Do the opposite of what you have been doing.
3.Open yourself to the input of others.
4.Brainstorm on new ways to create value for
your market.
5.Be willing to get out of your own way.
Connect. Collaborate. Capitalize.
How To Get Out Of The Box: Thinking outside the box is more about stepping back and reframing from your current position and thought patterns. Think what could be and suspend all doubt. Lead with "What if"... Then assemble a team of respected colleagues - include professionals from outside of your industry - and pose the question or challenge and brainstorm for answers. Note: when brainstorming, suspend all judgement and allow free thinking; be sure to have someone designated as facilitator. Narrow to short list and well...take a short walk or a shower... let your subconsconscious do some of the heavy lifting for a while. Just when you're not thinking about, the creative , nearly perfect, outside the box idea will surface.

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